It’s a breakthrough in exterior wood care
It’s Spa-N-Deck, and it’s so advanced, you can apply it right after cleaning – while wood is still wet – so there are no delays to your schedule. 100% Acrylic – That’s Tough. Looking for strong protection? Spa-N-Deck uses the same acrylics used in the windshields of aircraft. If the airlines trust these acrylics to protect their investment, shouldn’t you? When correctly applied and maintained Spa-N-Deck will not crack, flake or peel even in the toughest climatic conditions.
Lasts 3 to 5 times longer than oils or other conventional finishes
Spa-N-Deck is super-durable, lasting so much longer than ordinary finishes.
That’s because Spa-N-Deck was engineered to withstand the severe weather of the tropics.
Apply while wood is wet – and get the job done fast. Spa-N-Deck is unconventional because it is applied to wood with the surface thoroughly wet so you don’t have to wait for wood to dry before finishing a job. Its unique design works with wet surface and the wood’s natural moisture to penetrate the wood pores.
As beautiful as it is tough
Of course, you want beauty along with durability. That’s why Spa-N-Deck comes in 7 gorgeous pre-mixed colours. Plus a spectrum of customer colours can be mixed to order.
Click here to find out what your requirements are for your specific application.
Depends on the application method, surface texture and porosity. Approximate coverage on rough or weathered surfaces: 15 to 25 sqm per 4 litre can per coat. On smooth and new surfaces: 35 to 45 sqm per 4 litre can per coat.
NB: Because of the unique application Please Contact Us for a full quote
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